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The language of good policy is made of science, sound facts, and common sense.

Where do we go from here?

What is Your Vision for Florida's Future?

Florida 2070/Water 2070

With close to 21.5 million residents, Florida already is overwhelmed with the ramifications of rampant sprawl, rapidly vanishing natural areas, and overcrowded roads. What will Florida look like in 2070, when its population is projected to reach nearly 34 million?

If we continue developing land the way we do now, more than a third of the state will be paved over by 2070. Millions of acres of natural and agricultural lands - essential to maintaining our water supply, quality of life, jobs, and more - will be lost.

What can we do? A great start is to read the report, What is Your Vision for Florida's Future? Florida 2070/Water 2070, available on-line.


The Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance (M-CORES)


Although the stated intentions of M-CORES look good on the surface, there is evidence that building new highways in the designated corridors will put at risk rural communities, vulnerable lands and waters, and wildlife – not just from the highways, but also from the sprawl they would generate. Public participation is vital to the M-CORES process! You can share your comments or ideas in Public Meetings, via E-mail messages, and by signing up for updates.


Saving Florida's Springs

Despite the relatively good rainfalls of some years, human demand on our water resources – and impact on their health – continue to grow. Everyone has heard that “we need to conserve water.” But every gallon pumped out of the Floridan Aquifer to satisfy human needs reduces the flow our springs – the heartbeat of our natural ecosystem.

What do you need to  know about Florida's Springs? Here’s a reading list: